By Page:
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By Post:
- The Future of Probation: Practice, Research and Knowledge Exchange
- Childhood criminal records
- Podcast on Decision-making and Supervision
- How 15 years can become 30
- BBC reports COST Action’s work on offender supervision
- More podcasts!
- Resources on Offender Supervision in Europe
- Final report published!
- Briefing Papers Published… More at Conference!
- Robina Report highlights mass supervision in the USA
- Conference Programme Published, Early Bird Rate and Group Discounts!
- Conference Trailer…
- Conference Update: Book Now!
- Consultation on European Rules for CSM
- Studying electronic monitoring in Hungary and Scotland
- Bridging Research, Policy and Practice: Final Conference
- 2nd World Congress on Community Corrections
- Seasons, Senses, Spaces: Discerning the Social Choreography of the Penal Field
- Reality testing: A psychologist’s reflection on researching supervision
- ‘Dangling Conversations’ about Supervision: Reflections on the Athens conference
- New perspectives on supervision…
- Supervisible and Picturing Probation Exhibition at Sheffield Hallam University
- Release, retribution and risk
- Reflections on the Training School in Barcelona
- Compliance, Enforcement and Breach: An International Conference
- Experiencing Supervision: Surveys and Images
- Decision-Making and Offender Supervision: Our Belfast report
- (Retrospective) Observations on a Troubled City
- Europe-USA dialogue on offender supervision… and tackling its ‘invisibility’
- Free Training School on Researching Offender Supervision
- Robina Institute Launches Probation and Parole Initiatives
- Visual meaning: Reflections from our Amsterdam meeting
- Prisoners’ view of surveillance technologies in Austria and in Portugal
- Spreading the word about the Action
- Penal Evolution and Probation
- Probation: Myths, realities and challenges
- The Quality of Supervision
- European research funding
- Practising supervision: Innovative research methods?
- Designing vignettes for comparative research on breach
- Multiple Methods in Malta or: the joys and pains of comparative research
- Supervision, qu’est-ce que c’est?
- 11 year olds on punishment and supervision
- Free copies of ‘Offender Supervision in Europe’?
- Creative and comparative ways to study experiencing supervision
- Every picture tells a story: Bratislava reflections
- Comparative research on decision-making: Reflections on the Bratislava meeting (from France)
- A framework for comparative research on supervision?
- Offender supervision and the penal state
- What probation says, to whom and for whom?
- An oral history of supervision
- Briefing Papers now available!
- On a French workshop on probation…
- Read our first Annual Newsletter
- Looking Back, Looking Forward, Looking Across
- More Liverpool reflections
- Reflections on the Liverpool Conference
- Conference preparations and reviewing progress
- The Shape of Re-Entry: Probation and the Penal Field in Minnesota
- The Paradox of Probation: Understanding Probation Expansion during the Prison Boom
- Three moments of comparison in criminal justice
- Why you can’t miss our Liverpool conference
- Social work and offender supervision: local and/or national services?
- Experiencing supervision in England and Wales
- Words…worth a discussion
- Kind of beautiful work… this probation thing: Experiencing supervision in Ireland and the Netherlands
- Early deliberations on Decision-making and Supervision
- Offender Supervision in Europe: Launch Conference
- From mass incarceration to mass supervision?
- Maps and Territories: WG3 Practising offender supervision
- We are Europe (sort of…)
- The detailed structure of the Experiencing Supervision reports
- Here goes…
- Introducing ‘Offender Supervision in Europe’